About BioScore 2

The BioScore model (Biodiversity impact assessment using species sensitivity Scores) has been developed in order to provide a tool able to assess the impacts of policy measures on biodiversity in Europe. BioScore 2.0 supports the analysis of potential impacts of future changes in human-induced pressures on European terrestrial biodiversity mammals, vascular plants, breeding birds and butterflies). Compared to the previous version, BioScore 2.0 is based on improved species monitoring data and improved response relationships to describe species’ probability of occurrence in relation to the environmental factors of concern.

The model is based on large databases on species occurrences in Europe. The relationship between species observations and pressures is calculated through statistical analysis. By using output of models on future changes in pressures, BioScore 2.0 can used to calculate changes in species occurrences. In this way BioScore 2.0 can be used for assessing policy plans or scenarios on the achievement of European biodiversity goals and on impacts of climate change. It models changes in both species abundance and habitat quality. This is of interest to policymakers and scientists.

An important application of BioScore 2.0 is the Netherlands Nature Assessment (Nature Outlook) of 2016. The Nature Outlook is produced every four years. It provides perspectives for nature and policy options for the next 30-40 years. Until now these assessments were restricted to the Netherlands. However, as national nature policy is increasingly decided upon at EU level, the Dutch government has requested PBL to expand the study area to cover the whole of EU28.

Time frame

  • PBL - Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, the Netherlands
  • Wageningen Environmental Research (Alterra), the Netherlands
  • Sapienza Università di Roma, Department of Animal and Human Biology, Italy
  • Sovon, Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology, the Netherlands
  • De Vlinderstichting, Dutch Butterfly Conservation, the Netherlands

For more information, contact the BioScore 2.0 project coordinator, Arjen van Hinsberg.

Project deliverables