3-3 search code

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3-3 search code

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You can search a species name in three ways:


Type the first three characters of the genus name and a maximum of the first three characters of the specific name (epitheton) . The species list will be restricted and in most cases only one species (the desired species) remains in the list. It may occur that more than one species have the same search code. In that case you have to use the arrow keys or the mouse to select the desired taxon.
Use the arrow key right to activate the common species names (if available). Then restrict the species list as mentioned in the first method. If the name consists of only one word you can type the first six characters of this name as search code.
Enter the species number. This will not restrict the species list.


When using method 1 and 2 you can filter all species belonging to one genus by pressing the Space bar. Type, for example, CAR and select Carex acuta. By pressing the Space bar all taxa belonging to the genus Carex will be filtered.