Replace header data

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Replace header data

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Menu: Edit | Replace header data


Item: Choose the subject (field) in which you want to search and replace.


Range of relevés: Enter the range of relevé numbers to be changed.


Automatic conversion: Check this option if an automatic conversion needs to be taken place (Dutch version only).


Replace with data from other item: Check this option if data data needs to be replaced with data from another column in the database.


Value: Specify the value to be replaced at Old and the new value at New.


Several exceptions occur at the ‘remarks’ field:

If Old is empty, the contents of New will be added to the remarks.
If Old is not empty, the characters written in Old will be replaced by the characters written in New.
If “<enter>“ is present in Old all hard and soft page breaks in the remarks will be replaced by spaces.
If “$fieldname“ (e.g. “$pqnr“) is present in New the contents of that field will be added to the remarks.


Match: select how the new value matches the old value.

whole field: replacement takes place if Old value matches value in field
part of field: replacement takes place if Old value matches value in field, even if Old value is only part of value in field
exact position in field: replacement  takes place if Old value matches value in field from position as indicated in Old


For all fields:

If “*“ is present in Old then all values of the selected field will be removed.