Modify species list

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Modify species list

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Number code: Enter a number code. In case the species list is protected, you can enter species numbers higher than 90.000. The number code has to be unique.


Character code: Enter a 7-character code, in which the first four (4) characters qualify the species and the other three (3) characters the epitheton. The code has to be unique.

It is strongly recommended to use the same four characters for species belonging to the same genus.

See below for a few examples.


Valid name: Enter the valid name. You can use a maximum of 22 characters.


Name (inc. synonyms): Enter the name. You can use a maximum of 37 characters. In case the name to be entered is not a synonym, the Valid name and the Name (inc. Synonyms) are identical.


Common name: Enter, if present, the common name of the species.


Author name(s): Enter, if present, the full species name and the author name.




Example of species codes:



AGRSCAP Agrostis capillaris

ACEAANT Aceras anthropophorum

 POA PRA Poa pratensis


Combined species

AGRSC=V Agrostis canina + vinealis

POTAA=S Potamogeton acutifolius + compressus



ANAGA-A Anagallis arvensis ssp. arvensis

ARAIH-H Arabis hirsuta ssp. hirsuta



LAMIP;P Lamium purpureum var. purpureum

LAMIP;I Lamium purpureum var. incisum



AGRS-SP Agrostis species

NITL-SP Nitellopsis species



CARE*BO Carex x boenninghausiana

CIRC*IN Circaea x intermedia


SILED*L Silene dioica x latifolia

SILED*L Silene dioica x pratensis