Export to a Cornell condensed species file

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Export to a Cornell condensed species file

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Export to a Cornell condensed file enables analysis with various programs, for example CEDIT, SHAKE, TWINSPAN, CANOCO, PC-ORD, VEGRO, VEGRON, CLUTAB, DENDRO, and ELLEN.


Target directory: Specify the directory to store the output file. Click tree to select a directory from a list.


Output file: Specify the name of the output file.


Combine/Exclude layers: Specify whether you want to combine species that are divided over more than one vegetation layer or that you want to exclude species that are present in one or more layers.


Exclude species: Exclude species based on their characteristics as defined in the ecological database. See Exclude species


Format: Choose Classic if you want to apply an old version of TWINSPAN, Canoco format is valid for most programs that need Cornell condensed file as input. Choose Vespan when you want to analyse your data using the software package VESPAN. For VEGRO and VEGRON Canoco format should be selected.


Transformation cover values: By default cover values are exported in percentage. Using a transformation you can down weight cover values. Choose User defined to define your own classes for transformation.


Standardization to site total means that each cover value of a species will be divided by the sum of all cover values of the species in the relevé. In some cases this  standardizationenables a more reliable comparison among relevés (e.g. relevés of fishes in open water).


Code relevés using…: In the Cornell condensed file the relevés are identified with a code, which is by default the relevé (= system) number. However, you can also choose another identification code from the list. This code, preferably, has to be unique.


Exclude empty relevés: Exclude empty relevés (no species) in case the program that will have the output file as import file can not handle empty relevés. An example of such a program is TWINSPAN. In case you want to perform a numerical classification using TWINSPAN in JUICE you also have to exclude empty relevés.


Add a dummy species in the case of an empty relevé: Add one dummy species (code DUMMYSPE) with cover value 0.1% to an empty relevé.


Title: You can optionally specify a title.


Please note that relevés first need to be selected before they can be exported.