Export to a user defined header data file

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Export to a user defined header data file

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Menu: Export | User defined header data file



Target directory: Specify the directory to store the output files. Click treeto select a directory from a list.


Output file 1: Specify the name of output file 1. This file contains the data.


Output file 2: Specify the name of output file 2. This file contains information on the structure of output file 1.
Output file 2 is only required if you choose SDF or delimited format.


Exclude relevés that have no species: Optionally exclude relevés that have no species.


Format: Choose an export format. There are four possibilities.


SDF: Columns have a fixed width.
Delimited: Columns do not have a fixed width, but are separated by a delimiter. You have to specify which delimiter has to be used to separate the columns and in what way numerical values with decimals need to be formatted.
You can load the delimited format in e.g. MS Excel (up to version 2007).
Cornell condensed: This format is required if you want to perform a Canonical Correspondence Analysis with CANOCO. For each chosen subject you also have to indicate whether the variables must be treated as numerical or nominal values.


Select items: Select the subjects to be present in the output file by double clicking or pressing Ins.


Save: Save the selected subjects as pre-set.


Load: Load the pre-set selection of subjects.


Please note that relevés first need to be selected before they can be exported.