Select species

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Select species

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Choose a species from the Species list by typing the search code

Select a Layer and enter the cover value and other species attributes, if present. Press Add to add the taxon to the list of selected species.


Remove: Delete a selected species from the list.


Mark: Mark a species that has to be present in the relevé. You can also mark a species by double clicking on the first column.


Demark: Demark a species. You can also unmark by double clicking on the first column.


Load: Load a list of species numbers from a file. Load for example all Red list species.

Possible data formats are ASCII and dBase.


There are further a few more options only when building queries


Cover in % (min, max): For each species the minimum and maximum cover abundance in percentage can be defined as criterium.


Include related species: Select this option if related species must be included in the list automatically. If for example Thuidium abietinum is selected then also Abietenella abietina is automatically added to the list. This make sense because Abietenella abietina is a synonym of Thuidium abietinum, and both species have unique identifiers. In the versions of Turboveg  previous to 2.0 synonyms had the same identifiers as there valid counterpart.

If only Thuidium abietina was selected than Turboveg will not include releves that have Abietina abietinella.